Introducing author Kim Pellet

Many people who like to read fantasize about one day writing a book.  In this respect, I am no different from anyone else.  So two-and-a-half years ago, when my family and I moved here to Fontainebleau, and I found out that there was an English speaking writer's group, I decided to attend one of their meetings.  I am not exaggerating when I say this meeting changed my perspective on life.  Here I was nothing more than a want-a-be writer, and published authors sitting around the room took me seriously.  At the end of the evening, an assignment was given.  We were all to go home and write a story using the first line, “The beat up brown suitcase sits squarely on the steps."

I ran home to my computer as fast as I could.  I was so afraid that if I didn't sit down at that very second and produce a story, it would never happen.  Then I would never write anything in my life.

Well, to my great surprise, a story flew out of me.  An hour and a half later, when it was finished, I read it over.  Once again to my surprise, I thought it was pretty good.

But at the next meeting I was supposed to read it.  I couldn't do it.  I was terrified.  Suddenly, I was sure that my story was the stupidest thing ever written. Luckily, one of the other members had been kind enough to print my story out ahead of time, and yet another member volunteered to read it for me.  I will never forget the feeling of elation I had when they said they thought it was funny!

It is not sure that I will ever write a book and now it doesn't even matter.  I have had great fun writing stories with this group and that's the most important thing of all.

So my advice to anyone who wants to write is, go for it!  You may discover that you love it too.


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