Thank You to Our Reviewers!

Here are some reviews from varied sources for Blue Fountain. Thank you to everyone who has bought and read our work. We greatly appreciate it!
From The United States:
"A wonderful anthology full of quality, diversity and charm. A great book to read by the fireside in your favorite armchair or to have have handy on your bedside table."

From the United Kingdom:
"Lovely collection of well written short stories. What I like most is that the stories are so diverse. Great book to dip in and out of when you only have 5 minutes to read!"

From France: 
"This book was given to me by one of the writers. They are all very diverse people from different cultures, nationalities and backgrounds, but they all live close to Fontainebleau, as do I, and hence the title.  It's not easy to write a review when you know most of the authors; which is why I particularly enjoyed "Ricky" and "The Thirteen-Hour Man." These stories are more universal in theme. But then, the diversity of the whole, often based on personal experience, is refreshing in itself. Definitely recommended."

"I was given this as a present and I spent several happy mornings dipping into it over breakfast. The stories are varied and always entertaining and enjoyable and this is the sort of book that woud make an excellent present."

"A fantastic book, I bought it at the Reelbooks in Fontainebleau. I loved this collection of fascinating and short stories, recommended for all ages. I’m leaving my feedback after reading it.


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